
“100th Anniversary of the Battle of Gorlice – the Role of Aviation in the Breakthrough”

Project duration: 24th April – 1st June 2015
Location: Szymbark, Castle Conference and Exhibition Centre in Szymbark
Organiser: Karwacjan and Gładysz Manors Museum

The “100th Anniversary of the Battle of Gorlice – the Role of Aviation in the Breakthrough” exhibit organised in cooperation with the Polish Aviation Museum in Kraków will illustrate the aviation campaigns on the eastern front of World War I and the role of aviation during the trench warfare in the Gorlice region. The exhibit will include photographs and archive documents, as well as elements of genuine combat equipment of the planes, parts of the models under construction during that time, and aviation uniforms. The exhibit will be opened during the international scientific conference entitled “Aviation in the 1915 Gorlice Campaign.”

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