
“Light for Peace. Freedom March”

Date and time: 1st May 2015, 9.00 p.m.
– Gorlice, Lower Basilica of the Nativity of Virgin Mary – war cemetery no. 91
– Łużna, square near the Commune Office – war cemetery no. 123 Łużna-Pustki
– Sękowa, sports and recreation complex – war cemetery no. 80

The participants of the march will go to the war cemeteries in their home towns to commemorate and pay tribute to the victims.

In Gorlice, the march will see the participation of official representations and youths.
In Łużna, the youths will be accompanied by guardians and other participants of the event. Everyone will take torches to light the candles on the soldiers’ graves. The candles will be lit at the same time at all World War I cemeteries in Łużna Commune.
In Sękowa, the re-enactors and locals will be dressed in costumes from the era and will take a predetermined route with torches, candles, and kerosene lamps. An evening mass will be conducted in memory of the victims at the cemetery in a specially-prepared setting.

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